[seek-dev] garp with kepler

Chad Berkley berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Fri Jan 16 14:56:52 PST 2004

Hi Ricardo,

I've gotten GARP to run inside Kepler, but I need to know exactly what
the output should be for a given input.  I've been using World.dxl as
the EnvLayerSet, and the test data file "DataPoints.txt" as the
DataPoints file (you sent me a zip file a while back with a bunch of
test data...both of these files came from that zip file).  When I run
garp I get a sparse matrix of mostly -9999 values and a bitmap file that
appears just to be a picture of the contintents.  Could you give me a
good scenario to run with a description of the output so I can do some
more testing?

If you would like to try this out yourself in kepler, here are the steps:

windows and linux
1) download ptolemy II 3.0.2 (source version) from
ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu and unzip it.
2) checkout kepler from cvs.ecoinformatics.org
3) copy the build-ptolemy.xml file from the kepler directory to the
ptolemy directory
4) set the environment variables PTII=<ptolemydir>, KEPLER=<keplerdir>
and JAVA_HOME=<javadir>
5) go into the ptolemy directory and run 'ant install' (ptolemy should
compile and build a jar file)

6) copy the garp.dll and libexpat.dll files from kepler/lib to
windows/system32 (if windows is not installed in c:\windows, you must
chage the java library path in the win.prep target in the
kepler/build.xml file).

6) go into the kepler/src/cpp/garp directory and follow the steps in the

windows and linux
7) go into the kepler directory and run 'ant run' then choose the GARP
pipeline link when the kepler main screen comes up.

* note you need ant verion 1.5.4 and java 1.4.1 or greater.  for linux
you need gcc version 3.2 or greater.

let me know if you have any questions.


Chad Berkley
National Center for
Ecological Analysis
and Synthesis (NCEAS)
berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu

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